カゴ釣り仕掛けの特徴と遠投で狙える具体的な魚種について 釣り情報のインフォ from turiinfo.com
Fishing is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the world. It provides a great opportunity to relax, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the beauty of nature. One of the most popular methods of fishing in Japan is cage fishing or kago tsuri. In this article, we will discuss the most important aspect of cage fishing, which is the bait or komase.
What is Cage Fishing?
Cage fishing is a traditional Japanese fishing method that uses a basket or cage to attract fish. The cage is filled with bait, and the fish are lured into it. The cage is then lifted out of the water, and the fish are removed.
The Importance of Bait in Cage Fishing
The success of cage fishing largely depends on the type of bait used. The right bait can attract a wide variety of fish, while the wrong bait can leave you empty-handed. In cage fishing, there are several types of bait that can be used, including live bait, dead bait, and artificial bait.
Live Bait
Live bait is the most common type of bait used in cage fishing. It includes small fish, worms, and insects. Live bait is preferred because it is more attractive to fish and can be used to target specific species.
Dead Bait
Dead bait is another popular type of bait used in cage fishing. It includes fish that have been cut into small pieces or squid. Dead bait is often used to attract larger fish such as tuna and marlin.
Artificial Bait
Artificial bait is a relatively new development in cage fishing. It includes lures that are designed to look and move like real fish. Artificial bait can be used to target specific species of fish and can be very effective when used correctly.
Choosing the Right Bait
Choosing the right bait is essential to the success of cage fishing. Factors such as the type of fish you are targeting, the time of year, and the weather conditions can all affect the choice of bait. It is important to do research and talk to local fishermen to determine the best bait to use.
Preparing the Bait
Once you have chosen the right bait, it is important to prepare it correctly. Live bait should be kept in a cool, dark place and changed frequently. Dead bait should be cut into small pieces and hooked securely. Artificial bait should be rigged correctly to ensure that it moves like a real fish.
Using the Bait
When using the bait, it is important to place it in the cage correctly. The bait should be evenly distributed throughout the cage and should be positioned in a way that will attract fish. It is also important to monitor the bait and make adjustments as needed.
Cage fishing can be a fun and rewarding activity when done correctly. Choosing the right bait is essential to the success of cage fishing, and it is important to do research and talk to local fishermen to determine the best bait to use. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of catching fish and having a great time on the water.
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